Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Buffaloes, Here We Come!

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

When searching for information with respect to penguin "A Penguin Ornament" I read that Bartlesville had a buffalo project and that they have buffaloes displayed in the city, so I also gathered the locations of their buffaloes as well so as to hunt them when we went on our trip for the penguin.

One thing I noticed is that none of the 17 penguins (except "Magic") that we found did not have a name plate. Thanks to information in Bartlesville Buffalo Art and Community Examiner - Enterprise, I was able to put name to the respective buffalo.

I thought I had prepared well and that I had all the buffaloes that was mentioned in the above websites. When I got home and wrote my dairy, I realised I missed out 2 buffaloes:
(1) "Liberty", which was the first of the buffalo to be completed!
(2) I didn't check if the Arvest buffalo was already displayed.

Well..... at least I got most of them, I think. Most importantly, we enjoy the visit to Bartlesville! Nice city! And I can say "drive carefully, look out for the colorful buffaloes there".


  1. I realise this post was awhile ago, but I wanted to tell you that OKC has buffalo statues too! This is the website I found to be quite helpful: http://www.spiritofthebuffalo.org/index.html
